TWI Institute


The spiritual father of the Institute, Dr. med. Karl Daxl, formulated his vision more than 40 years ago: a holistic therapy for the treatment of chronic diseases. In the meantime, this vision is shared by many physicians. It is not the treatment of symptoms, but the research and treatment of the causes of diseases that leads to healing.
This approach is now applied in many areas of medicine and has led to amazing progress.


The TWI Institute supports and accompanies research projects in the field of causal medicine. In order to publicize progress and results in this field, relevant work will be published. Likewise, the TWI Institute is organizing seminars, symposia and congresses. An essential task is to provide information to health insurance companies and health policy makers.

International network

Our members and advisory board members come from numerous countries. Among others we are in close contact with

• Wilmer Eye Institute at John Hopkins University, USA,
• Medical Faculty of Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic
• Spa facilities in Mariánské Lázne, Czech Republic
• Medical Faculty of Sofia University, Bulgaria

Cooperation partners

OWWF EastWestEconomicForum Bavaria
BHA Bavarian Health Association
Community Global Partners Bavaria


• rosaverde UG (haftungsbeschränkt), Germany
• TWConcept GmbH, Bulgaria

Copyright 2018 3WM GmbH


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