Hermann Pönisch


1995 - today
Self-employed management consultant, with a focus on industries:
Tourism, logistics, marketing, organisation, IT, organisation of trade trips, specialist events (congresses, seminars, presentations)


1972 -1995
Managing Partner of Pönisch Reisen, Incoming and Outgoing Tourism, specialist trips for foreign guests, organisation of specialist trips

1979 - 1992
Co-owner of a software company


1978 - 1988
Co-owner of a print shop

1967 - 1972
Studied law and economics at the Universities of Munich and Regensburg


1965 - 1967
Discharge of the 18-month conscription, dismissal as a bannerjunker for the most part


1952 - 1965
Primary school and grammar school, graduation Abitur (High School)


English, Italian, French


Voluntary activities:

  • Member of the OstWestWirtschaftsClub Bayern since 1980, member of the Board of Directors and Presidium since 1986, most recently as Gf. vice president
  • Member of the TWI-Institute, research institute for Research Institute for Causal Medicine since 1979, on the Board of Directors since 1983, President since 2022
  • 1. executive committee of the "Giesinger Fasching" from 1981 to 1996, organization of the Giesinger Faschingszug

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